College hasn’t even started yet and I still managed to fuck shit up: a story.

For those of you who don’t know, I’m majoring in English. 

Classes start on Monday, and today – Thursday – was the Orientation day at the college I’m attending (the Lebanese American University), where we meet the faculty and staff, our advisors and supervisors, get to know the (worryingly large) campus and all its buildings, learn where we will be taking our classes, and most importantly what to do on the first day.

Or so I thought.

I got up early this morning and got dressed in what I hoped would be something presentable but casual. I mean, I didn’t want to look like I was going to a funeral. It would look like I couldn’t wait to get to college and be a grown up. Which I completely am; but I didn’t want that to be the impression I gave off.

I arrived 5 minutes early (I live just a few minutes away from college), and headed for the weirdly named building I was supposed to be at. There were lots of students – none of which I knew. They were all congregated in small groups, chatting and fussing over their papers, and as I kept walking towards the registration table it hit me how lonely I was going to be for the first while. I mean I always knew it was going to be this way… But it became very real at that moment. I’m now writing this post teary eyed because for some reason 80’s Films by Jon Bellion just reminded me of school and that made me bawl. Back to my wonderful story now.

I spotted my name tag, pointed it out to the lovely lady at the table so she can hand it to me along with a platic case and register my name, and looked around to see if other newbies were wearing theirs. They weren’t, so I slid mine into my pocket. I walked a few steps away and leaned against a pillar as casually as I could. I had hardly begun scrutinizing my peers before some old lady came and shuffled us into an auditorium.

I sat in the front, but not too in the front, otherwise you will threaten the man (dOeS ANyOnE gEt tHe reFeREnCe???2). 

It was at that point that I started getting annoyed, as I knew I would. For starters, in true les gens chics sont toujours en retard fashion, we had to wait a good half hour before everyone could be assed to take a seat. Second – actually I’m gonna need me a whole paragraph for second.

Honey, I get it. You’re at the Lebanese American University. You know English. You even passed the SAT to get here! Well done! But can we focus on our college’s name for a second? Let’s see. LAU. Not ALU. You’re in a primarily Lebanese university, because it’s located in Lebanon, it’s run mainly by Lebanese people, and most of the attendants are LebaneseYou do not need to speak every sentence in English with that horrible accent of yours. We can understand Arabic, we’ve been speaking it before we knew what English was, and attending an American university did not take away your ability to speak it like you do everywhere else. How can they not hear how obnoxious they sound? Sestras and Brotha Sestras, I’m an English major; trust me, I can write and speak the language more efficiently, fluently, and with a far less atrocious accent than any of you. I’m aware of how pretentious that sentence was, but the key point is that I don’t do those things in your face. This is getting me boiled up all over again, I’m gonna stop. I’m certain you got the point.

So there I was, sitting there waiting while having to listen to people english-ly talking in obnoxious cliché phrases, thinking of creative ways to shut them up, even though deep down I was craving for someone to talk to myself.

At long last, the presentation started with some man whose attire suggested he waited tables in a Lebanese restaurent making us play a game (we had to count to 20, if two or more people said a number at once we started over) and it was funny for the first 4 seconds before a bossy girl (I’m settling for bossy to keep it civil) decided she was going to run dis shit (“Can’t some just lead them?!”) but actually ruined dis shit because the point of the game is the suspense and hesitation before saying a number and not knowing who’ll say it with you, not pointing at people and making them say the numbers in order. We’re not learning to count. But good for her for thinking she saved the day.

We met the soon-departing Dean of Students, who introduced himself by making us play a small game where whoever guessed what was in his bag won it. Turned out to be Mars chocolate bars, and the whole point of this was so that he could say “I brought Mars bars because actually my name is Mars!!!!” A cute old man (not in that way you pervert), but as I said he’s leaving soon so we met the new Dean who was considerably younger, considerably larger, and had a considerably better accent.

The rest of the presentation was a series of videos depicting skits that brought to life the boring rules and regulations no one would have bothered to read otherwise. There was also that infamous Consent With Tea video which was really awkwardly timed because we hadn’t been even a bit near the serious topic of sexual harrassment, and everyone was laughing at it because they thought it was another funny skit while I, having watched the video before and knowing it wasn’t about forcing tea down someone’s throat but something much more -ahem- solid, sat there torn between shaking my head in cringey desolation and downright laughing at the situation. I can still hear how the room rang silent when the video ended with something like “if it’s not hard to understand the concept of consent with tea, why is it hard when it comes to sex” and the Dean continued about how no one basically owes sex to anyone. Yeah. You can imagibe.

The disastrous part came at the end of the presentation. Disastrous for me, that is.

They divided everyone into groups according to their majors and fields. Biology, Chemistry, Business, Pre-Med, Psychology, Journalism… No mention of English, languages, or humanities. Finally, there remained a bunch of people including me, and the waiter guy said “the rest of you are Arts and Sciences Freshmen, right? Please follow whateverhisnameis”.

When I heard “Arts and Sciences”, I relaxed: that was the name of my departement! Phew. I got up and happily went with them, completely ignoring the key word in the sentence: FRESHMEN. Not that I didn’t hear it clearly; it just meant nothing to me. I had no idea what Frehsmen in college were; I just assumed they were first years, which I was. And so I went with it, and followed them.

Two friendly and thankfully down to earth a.k.a arabic speaking advisors showed us around the campus, told us about the different buildings, and warned us about a particularly slippery staircase. I was absorbing everything in as Always. (Does anyone get that reference?)

After about an hour, we went to an out of service cafeteria, dragged chairs into a bad circle and sat there looking awkwardly and furitively at each other while the advisors attempted to make us play a game (2 truths and a lie, which was a frankly moronic choice since none of us knew anything about each other so all we could do was randomly guess which fact was the lie). That was where I started picking up that something was off: they all came from weird and unfamiliar sounding schools, they looked confused when I said I studied General Science as a high school senior, and they were talking about chosing their majors. Weren’t they supposed to already have chosen one, like I, and all my friends, have? Naturally I brushed it off instead of asking the advisors about it, because that’s just what you do in this type of situations.

The final stop was a lecture with the woman who was in charge of the whole freshman program, and that was where I discovered the huge mistake I had made.

Freshmen were people who didn’t graduate high school. They didn’t pass their official exams, and they didn’t have a major yet. 

You can only imagine how embarrassing and suffocating it felt, realizing I had been sitting with the wrong crowd the entire day. My hands started fidgetting, my forehead began sweating, and my high school diploma and official exam scores were deeply offended.

I felt trapped: what was I to do in that conference room, with the woman going on and on about the freshmen requirements that did not concern me in the slightest? Raise my hand and confess I had spent 4 hours being oriented to a completely wrong direction? That would just be humiliating and SAD.

I thought about what choices I had and I came to the conclusion that I could do nothing but get the fuck out of there. So I just pretended my phone was ringing, got out of the conference room and ran accross the halls, twice in the wrong direction like they do in cartoons. I was pissed at myself, and that’s putting it lightly.

It doesn’t end there, though: as I was running away, I spotted an advisor getting out of the toilets. I tackled her. I told her all about what happened to me, and I could tell she was fighting that laugh so. damn. hard. But she was extremely nice and didn’t even tell me I was an idiot. She checked her schedule, and told me the devastating news that the English conference took place during the first presentation. I had subjected myself to endless cringe and awkwardness for n o t h i n g. I was close to crying, but of course I didn’t because fuck it Anthony, you’re in LAU and you’re not going to cry over a missed conference even though it was probably the most important thing like ever. I was upset, and I was angry; like excuse me but that was an Orientation day, for new students. How was I supposed to know everything? Couldn’t they have a done a better job making sure everyone was where they were supposed to be? 

I don’t know if she said it because it was the truth or because she sensed that I was devastated, but she told me that the conference wasn’t really that important anyway and that I didn’t miss anything major. She then proceeded to take me on a personal tour of the college to make sure all my questions were answered (most importantly, the location of the Library) and I got out of there knowing everything I needed to know.

Maybe it wasn’t a disaster after all, but I just couldn’t believe I missed my first ever college lecture concerning my major. I feel considerably better now, even though my nerves are building up. I’m going to be a huge knot of crippling nervousness by Monday. Hopefully it will peak at 1:55 PM, and by 2:05 it would have died down. 



How I Chose My Future.

I’m sitting in my bed at night, trying to think of new ways to procrastinate, and suddenly sharing this news with you struck me as something I urgently needed to do.

I’ve got Ultraviolence on and I’m ready to tell the story of how I took a step into figuring out my future.

So last year, around this time, I finally stumbled upon a profession that I felt fit me. 

Architecture. Artistic, but still a usual and respected profession. “What do you want to be? An architect”, and that ended the conversation. No questions. An expected career for a top student.

Fuck it. Honestly. Fuck being a top student, for all the good it has done me. It singled me out as a ‘nerd’ for years, only because I had better grades than everyone else. Put a ton of pressure on me to stay up to par with my standard grades, and set my parents’ expectations to staggering heights. Made me force myself into picking a profession I thought ‘complemented’ my ‘intelligence’, as if intelligence equals science.

So there I was, telling everyone I finally found what I wanted to do with my life, telling myself that I made the right decision. I mean I get to draw buildings for people and be creative! No matter that I know absolutely nothing about drawing and have no talent in it whatsoever! Right?

Wrong. I was constantly convincing myself that it was alright, reading testimonies from people reassuring us that knowing how to draw is not essential to being an architect but ‘it helps’, trying to imagine myself working in an architecture firm and enjoying it somehow.

I elaborated this smart reply to every question:

‘What do you want to do?’

‘What do I want or what I will do? I want to study literature, but of course that’s not an option, so I’ll do architecture because it seems like something I’d not hate a lot.’

Why I was brushing off literature? Well our education system divides students into 4 categories: Math-oriented, Biology-oriented, Economics-oriented and Literature-oriented. Or as our society classes them, the Genius class, the Doctors class, the Lazy class and the Weird class. My grades obligated me to pick one of the two former. Why waste my intelligence on literature? 

That’s why I went with the Math section, and brushed off any thought of literature studies, even though I had one passion in life and that was reading. What happened to ‘doing what I love’? That meant nothing. Society says I must be an Engineer, or a Physicist, or a Mathematician. Literature? Leave it to those who can’t do math.

And now, having almost completed my General Science year, I can affirm that the most times I had to actually think and use my intelligence was during literature tests. 

I swear to God, anyone can do math. Anyone can do physics. Not anyone can read a text and understand and analyze it correctly. That’s rare intelligence.

But I am glad I did what I did. I am proud of my choices so far. I couldn’t be prouder. General Science was a bore and a pain in the ass, but it eventually helped me see clearly what it is I had to do.

It happened in the middle of this school year, during our mid year exams. It was sunday morning, a day before our Chemistry test, and I found I had not written almost half of our course. I texted my friends and asked them to send me what I was missing. Never in a million years would I have guessed that in that moment, I had also asked them to tell me what I was going to study in college.

‘Why haven’t you written any of this?’

‘I’ve been absent.’

‘Why have you been skipping school so often? Do you think you’re better than the rest of us? We really don’t enjoy school either but we don’t just stay home whenever we feel like it.’

‘Save your sermons. Does it look like I care anymore about fucking school?’

‘And why is that?’

‘Because I’m going to spend years studying something I really don’t fucking have a clue about, and my life is probably going to end up screwed.’

‘Whow. Where is this coming from? You don’t want architecture?’

‘I don’t know what I want.’

‘Just do what you love doing.’

‘Easy for you to say. You love technology. Your options and endless. I love books, what am I supposed to do with that?’

‘I don’t know, be an editor or something.’

Editor. Editor.

Has it ever happened to you? Have you ever read a single word that ended up changing everything, turning your whole life path 180 degrees?  

That word alone, thrown nonchalantly, was enough to open my eyes. It might seem too straightforward to be believable, but that’s how it happened. 

Do what I love. What do I love? I love writing. What do I love more than writing? Correcting people’s writing. That’s an actual profession. Studying literature is not just an abstract thing. I can actually do something with my life that I can enjoy.

And if my disastrous experience as a bartender this summer taught me anything, it’s that doing a job I do not enjoy is not worth any salary in the world. I made a vow to myself, that I’d never work unless I was satisfied, and here I am, fulfilling my vow. 

‘Editor. Yes. That’s what I’m going to do. Oh my God.’

‘Okay so maybe not editor but there are lots of things you could do!’ He thought I was being sarcastic.

In truth, I was standing there, in the middle of my room, eyes wide open and staring into nothing, thinking. This is not a far fetched theory. This is real. This actually could happen. This is not a joke. This is my future. This is NOT a joke. This is a REAL solution. WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING ALL THIS TIME? WHY DID IT TAKE ME SO LONG TO REALIZE? 

Writing this right now, I’m thinking of ways to word this that will not make me sound like an idiot. But the truth is that I really was an idiot. I made myself renounce doing what I wanted to do, and for what reason? Literally, what reason? I was torturing myself over nothing. Nothing. All it took was a single word, and here I was, reevaluating my entire future. 

I had my reasons to go with General Science. But after that, it’s just me, and my school grades will stay marked on some report card in the confines of my documents. After that, every move bears consequences. I was inches away from making myself go into a field I had no business being in. And just like that, I decided it would be Literature after all. There really are no valid reasons I hadn’t even considered that until that moment.

I honestly feel like laughing at myself. Nobody does what I did. I was just so stupid it’s hilarious. Writing it down makes it feel so, so much more obvious. 

Yep. Just like that. I decided I was going to be an English major! It happened in a matter of hours, and my whole life lit up. I was in bliss. I could not care less about the Chemistry test, or any tests. I was going to do what I wanted. I was going to read for a living. I was going to have time to do the things I love doing, including blogging, which you *may* have noticed I have been seriously behind with.

I told my parents that evening that I was going to change direction. They were pretty shocked, but nevertheless encouraged me and sensed how happy it made me.

The next day, I went to the college I had applied to and changed my major from Architecture to English. I expectedly got pretty surprised looks, like they couldn’t believe someone with 780 on their Math SAT was going to study English (like the fact I got 730 on the English section did not matter). But they also encouraged me saying I had made a good choice, as tons of people were going with Architecture and Engineering and soon there would be no jobs left for them. I was so satisfied.

And now, every time someone asks me what I would do with my future, I put on a broad, honest smile and proudly tell them I am going to study literature. They ask questions, and I happily reply ‘that’s what I love to do’. 

I’m still not used to the idea. Every time I feel down, I recite it to myself like a mantra: I’m an English major. I’m going to do what I love.




I’d make this long but I’ll keep it short: I took the SAT in June and the scores are finally in TODAY

I found in my drafts a cute lil post I had written about the SAT; the whole thing, how I registered, how it went, all that stuff. But I FORGOT TO POST IT SO YAY U GO G0RL. Anyway, I hadn’t finished my Reading section. I hastily guessed the final paragraph’s questions. I was extremely bummed by that and was like certain I’ll retake the test. I did better in the Language section. I did AMAZING in the maths section, way better than any practice test. Finally, I had a feeling I did quite well in the essay, even though it was hastily finished and almost inconclusive.

I had almost forgot about my results until recently when people started asking me if the results were in and I had to check.

Now remember, this is the NEW SAT so it’s over 1600 and not 2400 like before (the Essay no longer counts with the total score and is optional).

I looked up what a good score would be, and google said 1250. After I did my practice tests, I put my tarhet score at 1350+. It just looked pretty (and also would be enough for a college scholarship, I assume). I really wanted a 1400 though, because my competitive self needed to beat my best friend who took the test in May.

So today, at 12PM, I opened up my laptop and saw that the results were finally in.


I scroll down to find the links to the results AND I AM COMPLETELY SHOCKED TO FIND THAT THEY WERE JUST SITTING THERE



THEN my mind recovered from this messy situation (all of those jumbled emotions squeezed in two seconds and a half) and I finally focused on the number in front of me, my SAT score.






Okay. Wow. I still can’t believe this (and it’s Friday Friday gonna get down on Friday now). I’m in the 99% percentile! That’s unreal. (And it rhymes)

How did I, an Arab, French-educated, self-taught English speaker, manage to score higher than 99% of test takers, the vast majority of which were born and raised in America. That might sound like bragging, because it is #modest

I got 780 in maths with 56 right answers and 2 wrong ones (I think I know which questions these were, because I practically guessed them). Which means I got 730 in English (370 in Reading Analysis and 360 in Writing/Language). I made only 5 mistakes in the Reading section (46 right), which surprised me a LOT, because I had expected to flop BAD. I mean I guessed half a dozen questions! Could those be the only ones I got wrong? Oh man. I also had 2 wrong answers and 42 right ones in the Language section, which should have been converted to MORE than 360 logically. I don’t know what happened there but oh well.

The disappointment was with my essay scores. I got 14/24. It’s appalling. You might have guessed that as a blogger, I pride myself in my writing (even though it may suck mostly). I expected to at least do great in the Writing part, where they give you grades on your language us and coherence and stuff, and I got 5/8. I also am 100% sure I understood 100% of the text, but I just got 5/8 as well. That’s why I’m 100% sure (well, not THAT sure) that my grade was deeply affected by my terrible handwriting. They actually show you your essay in the SAT site and I can’t believe how messy I wrote. I couldn’t understand my OWN handwriting. Shame. I’d post them here but I’m afraid it would be illegal or something.

Anyway, it’s now Sunday and I still can’t believe I scored that much on my first try on the SAT. I really see no point in redoing it except for a better essay grade. But I ain’t gonna spend 100$ just to retake a test and definitely score less overall just to up my essay score (which isn’t even relevant for the college I’m applying to).

And that’s it for my SAT 😀 it was a fun ride. Sorry it took me so long, I started this post the day I learned my score but I’ve been extremely busy slash depressed slash relieved (and I WILL tell you all about that soon). Yesterday was my birthday party and it was great. In 4 days, it will be my actual birthday AND my 1 year Blogaversary (!!!!!) Expect a sweet, magical announcement then 😉 See you soon!

I’m posting a new fanfic YAAAAY

Good evening medonsters

Remember Fanfic Friday? The feature I used as an excuse to just post crazy fanfic about Miranda Sings?

Well, I thought I’d bring it back from the dead and start posting a new, real fanfiction.

I can either tell you its title or the fandom it belongs to, but if I say you both you’ll probably get an idea what it’s about. So the first comment to request either one – that is, if anyone is actually interested in knowing, which I have doubts about – will have his wish granted 🙂

I will be posting a new chapter every week for seven weeks, and with no delays (phew) because I’m already done with it 😀

It was something I wrote about two years ago, and that I’m still proud of because it’s the first true fanfic I ever made. I had written a short one-off in French but this one felt different. For one thing it was longer, and it was also my first time ever writing anything in English. I was surprised at how easily the words flowed, how uncomplicated this language is, and as you might tell I’ve been hooked ever since!

I hope this short series will interest you, and you’ll like what you read 🙂 See you tomorrow!

This post is going to be a disaster

Yes. Just like you read. I have no idea what this post is going to contain but I just know that it’s gonna be a disaster. Why? Because I just had the wonderful idea of not actually writing this post, but ‘speaking’ it. Basically I’ll just be talking and the fancy speech-to-text translator is gonna do its magic and transform my ramblings into words. And because 1) this app is far from state-of-the-art and 2) I already am not very fluent in spoken English, this is gonna flop so hard.
I promise I won’t edit anything out. I’ll keep it as it is. You’ll be reading directly what I say, and God please don’t make me stumble through my words as much as I usually do.

*10 minutes later*

Okay so I attempted this three times so far and I’m right. It’s so bad that I can’t even post it as a joke. And I’ll try again.

Okay see my sister at 10 at trying to record what ignore that last sentence because it translated very horrible I was saying this is my fish V fish 5 oh my god I’ve been trying to say the word just like the one that comes after the 1st 2nd 3rd 4th but it’s just not translating anyway so fish it’s not working this is my attempt at recording and it’s already going horrible but I’m just going to keep trying until it makes something 1% coherent okay so I’m just going to describe my room since it’s the simplest thing and I already tried to tell you about my day or what I’m doing right now but it still won’t work okay first it was not my room it was the game room the room where all our games they lost when we were little but then as my sister came they needed to make face and they could not have me and my sister that’s not the third the second I forgot anyway they cannot have it all in the same room so they made the steam room into my room and they painted it green by my request and it was ratchet it’s really like embarrassing until last year at Christmas when my parents weren’t renovated it for me so now it’s was supposed to be red but I got food and all that’s right and this is my bed sheets which is pretty cool because they are like a nice shade of red and you can actually see them in my book Holes in my book called it’s not translating hold correctly but whatever in the post where I talked about the books that I Bob this month this month oh my gosh it’s happening getting distracted Anthony so yeah like 10 minutes telling you about my bed sheets it’s pretty cool seeing this wood texture with brown of course that’s like light brown just like my library work it’s not a library it’s like a big bookshelf it has one two three four shells and and next we have next to it a big huge baby picture of mine yeah and I really look cute in it just saying anyway on the offense fall we have my bed where I am currently laying and speaking and looking after the sisters that I’m writing like just now it’s literally translated disasters to sister okay so dispatch wait what am I going with this sentence I don’t know on the wall on my right hand have a window and it opens a nice little I don’t know how you call it it’s not a forest but it’s like a mini forest with many many trees I don’t know what to call it okay someone just getting underway to go answer the door

So what I was trying to tell you at the end is that someone just knocked on the door and I went to answer it. My whole family came home so now I obviously can’t continue speak-shouting into my phone. So yep you have my family to thank for making me shut up and relieve you from your torture!

Like I just reread this and I don’t know if I should burst out laughing
or crying. It’s hilarious in the way that it makes literally n0 sense but that’s like the bad type of hilarious. Whatevs, I’ll let you be the judges. If I see a sudden drop in followers and riots petitioning for the closure of this blog, I think I’ll get a pretty good idea of what you think of this mess and whether or not I should try this again in the future. Yay!

I’m chuckling. You are gonna be so confused xD ahh I’m twisted. Bai

A Post From My Past Self

My past self is speaking… And it wants to tell you something.

My past self is saying… You are all being trolled. There is no past self. This is not a dramatic post.

Well technically I’m not lying – this is my past self talking. You see, my internet connection has sadly passed away recently and I’m offline but I CAN’T NOT FREAK OUT ABOUT MY EXAMS BEING OVER so I’ll just write this and post it when I get the chance. So when you read this… It’ll be my past self talking!

Oh but wait. Isn’t everything you read written by somebody’s past self?

And I thought I was being clever. Silly me.



I AM SO HAPPY EVEN THOUGH I DID TERRIBLE IN MATH but good in the rest so oh well.

I feel you deserve a compte-rendu of all my exams. Joking, of course you don’t, I just want to give you a compte-rendu because I’m that generous. Joking again, I actually just really like writing compte-rendus. And writing the word “compte-rendu” too. Fun!

Chemistry: first exam! I went in being eaten by nerves. I knew the first exercice. Then I didn’t know the second. Then I looked over the whole test and almost fainted because I saw so many stuff I had no idea about what they meant. I decided to skip the second exercice, and do what I know. So yeah I ended up completing all the exercices (I always freak out over nothing). I came back to the second exercice and in my THRILL about knowing how to solve the first question I FUCKING FORGOT TO DO THE REST OF THE QUESTIONS I AM SO DUMB but still I did well.

Philosophy: I just went in, wrote a jumble of everything I knew about epistemology, Kant, Bachelard, Popper and Plato, sprinkled some pep talk about freedom, and presented. I got my grade today; 14. BOOM. Highest.

[We interrupt our compte-rendu to inform you that our grading system is very very different from what you might be used to. We use actual numbers instead of singing the alphabet #woopsie. So yeah and the coefficient varies but I’ll just give you the grade over 20 to avoid confusion]

Civism: do you guys even have this stupidly useless subject? It’s where you learn about the law and stuff. I got 16.5 just like last time. Well I could’ve done better but it’s a very good grade compared to what I actually studied.


Arabic: hm, actually not bad! The text was not unfamiliar and I got to trash talk celebrities in the writing assignment. Hopefully I’ll be able to scrape a 13!

[Another interruption: I understand, you must be *really* confused as to how 13 is considered good in one subject while 16 is not in another. Again, our grading standards are really weird and REALLY unfair and just generally shitty. Imagine that for half of our subjects, C/B/B- is the maximum grade. The literal maximum.]

Geography: I’ve been really lucky with these memory-based tests. I also did really well compared to what I studied! Because I didn’t even half study. Rebel.

Biology: I didn’t know at all what to expect, because our teacher is basically a lunatic and I had no idea if she had actually taught me anything. Turns out she *might* have? I didn’t find much difficulty in the test, hopefully that’d be reflected on my grades which I’ll get tomorrow!

French: one of my favorite subjects. The test was quite easy and I got a 14, my average (usually the highest grade but my friend Mini got 15 this time which is a great feat). The only thing that in perplexing is that we had the same subject for the writing as last year. And I got 5/8 this time while I got 6.5/8 last time. Guess it’s just teacher tastes!

History: I studied for this. Honestly. And I didn’t do bad. I’ll have to wait for lunday (WAIT WHAT I mixed Monday with Lundi I must be getting real sleepy lolz) for the grade but I hope it’s somewhere along 18.

Physics: THEY DID IT AGAIN! (This time it’s a happy scream). The test was SO EASY, honestly I love our teachers (YEAH YEAH I know I once wrote a whole post about how my physics teacher’s the biggest asshole BUT turns out he really is one of the best teachers this year). Thank GOD they gave us something to balance out the horrible Maths.

[Okay listen I always have to delete the “s” when I write Maths because you guys write it without one but that’s just how I’ve been taught so bye]

Last, but not least (well actually by some standards it IS least – least demanding, least exhausting, least… Thing), English! The English level at our school is so awfully standard that I pride myself on having actually reached the level of blogging and writing coherant stuff. So yep I did great. I always view the English exam as a fun little activity sheet.

Aaaaaand that’s it! Am I forgetting something?
OH YES we had a religion exam (Catholic) and I got 16.5, not bad.

So NOW that’s it. Ugh, I can’t believe I’m DONE! Now I’ll have to wait for my grades. I WISH I had my scholarship secured, that way I wouldn’t give two shits about grades, but I have to do my best to earn the best scholarship I can.

I’ll make sure to post all my grades here, don’t worreh. I’m pretty sure you’re not remotely worrehd but oh well I’ll tell you anyway.

Wait has anyone even read this far?


After our last exam, we had a little Valentine’s day celebration in the theatre (even though it was like 3 or 4 days later) and we sang and did some stuff but honestly not ONE performance wasn’t messed up somehow. (In the ‘mistake’ kind of messed up. Not the weird and disconcerting messed up. Although some stuff WAS weird and disconcerting. Huh.) But we still had fun especially that we were all so glad the exams were over.

Now it’s 12:33 A.M. and by the time of writing my internet connection is back again (yaaaay) and you’re not reading my past self anymore !

Oh but wait – I already established that everything is past me. Wo’evah. Bye!