1 Year Blogaversary – THANK YOU!

Oh my God.
It’s been a year already.
Exactly one year ago, after months of wanting to, I finally went to WordPress and registered a blog. This blog.
And boy, has it been a ride since then.
I said it before, and I’ll say it again: you guys are the absolute sweetest people in the whole world. I can only dream of meeting people like you in my everyday life. Your comments have never failed to make me smile. If it weren’t for you, I’d have dropped this whole thing a few months in.
Writing my thoughts out, and especially knowing that they will be read by somebody, is such a liberating experience. I know I have you guys. Just look at my last few posts! Overwhelming support, even from those if you who are new to my blog! I posted the same thing on another forum, and all I got was a few likes. And that’s from people I interract with on a daily basis.
I know I have been posting less frequently in the last few months, but I am happy with the way things are. If I force myself to write posts I don’t feel like writing, this whole thing will become a chore, which it is NOT supposed to be. I want my blog to be a place I can escape to, not from.
And as I promised you, I AM planning a huge community game, and as I also promised, the announcement will be coming soon. Not Gaga soon. Soon soon. One-month-before-Hogwarts-traditionally-opens-its-doors soon 😉

(Edit: Apparently I registered my blog at 4:02 PM because WordPress just sent me an anniversary message! XD)

I loved sharing my life with you guys. And I know, one day, I’ll look back to these posts and be swept away by nostalgia and happy memories… Ah man.
Thank you. Thank you all for making this year a true revival for me. Thank you for being my friends. Thank you for proving to me that wonderful people like you do exist.
Thank you for reading.

52 thoughts on “1 Year Blogaversary – THANK YOU!

Just say it already!