#3Days3Quotes Challenge – Day 2!

Bonsoirr 😌
Today is day 2 of the 3 Days 3 Quotes challenge that I was tagged to do by the lovely Keira.

Day 1 here

The Rules:

»Thank the person who nominated you.
»Post a quote for three consecutive days however long it takes
»Nominate three new bloggers each day.

Today I chose a quote that you typically wouldn’t find in blog posts like these.
It’s extremely popular in the stan world, but obviously unknown to casual non-crazy people. As the Awkward (Very) Blogger, I felt it’s my duty to introduce this piece of immaculate shade into the blogosphere.
Take it away Mariah:

You can have several seats.
Now if you’re confused as to why this is an iconic quote, let me tell you a nice little tale…
During Mariah Carey and Tommy Mottola’s divorce, he turned real nasty and basically sabotaged her upcoming album. He stole samples and intrumentals and gave them to Jennifer Lopez who included a lot of them in her album which was released before Mariah’s. Because of this mess, Mariah had to rerecord and basically rework her album just weeks before its release, which made an even bigger mess and the album was a disappointment. Mariah did NOT deal well with this, she had a huge breakdown and went into rehab because of it.
The gif/quote is from an interview where the interviewer asked her what she thought about J-Lo – obviously after the incident – and she was basically like ‘who?’
To this day it’s one of pop culture’s finest, shadiest moments and you can still see the phrase ‘I don’t know her’ being used by fanboys everywhere from twitter to tumblr to fan forums whenever someone irrelevant comes into the conversation.
Mariah’s apparently not over this since just last month a paparazzo asked her about J-Lo again and she said with a mocking smile ‘I still don’t know her!’
Ah Mariah. Queen of shade.

That concludes our story, I hope the intense shade didn’t make you feel lost and afraid in this blogging world where everything is love and sunshine and rainbows.

I tag: Luna, Emily and Ruth today. Slay me.

Good night!

19 thoughts on “#3Days3Quotes Challenge – Day 2!

Just say it already!