2016 Reading Challenge (ya rite)


If by any chance, you were once lost on my blog, and in a desperate attempt to leave you accidentally clicked on the wrong link, you might come across this post. But according to my stats that only got 1 view so there’s a really good chance that you didn’t. Great job!

Anyway. That post was about the 2015 Reading Challenge. I was trying to complete it, and, well… See how much I had completed back then?

It’s exactly the same now! Wiiiii

So yeah, I haven’t really read much (AT ALL) these past few months. It’s desolating, I know, but I mean I just -SORRY I REALLY HAVE NO EXCUSE

I really want that to change this year, so I’m gonna be doing the 2016 Challenge!


I can already hear your sneers and ‘ya rites’. Well, I’m kinda doing these too. BUT  I can’t not try!

So currently I am reading both The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Deathly Hallows. Yes. Deathly Hallows. The book I started two months ago, that I promised myself I’d not drop like I did last year.


So now I’m focusing on finishing it, then The Alchemist, and THEN I can get started with my challenge.

If you saw the picture on my 2015 post, you might have noticed that I cheated a bit. By cheated I mean that I ticked off like 5 categories for every book, as long as it fit. Well, I don’t want to do that again!

So I’m going to make a list of all the books i’m going to read this year, and what categories they’ll fit. Of course, I’m missing books from many categories, but that is totally fine for just now because 1) I still haven’t checked the library, 2) there’s the Bookyard where I’ll probably find everything I’m missing and 3) in case I don’t, there’s still BetterWorldBooks. It’s an online shop for buying books of all sorts for very cheap prices and most importantly they have FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE! That’s a deal-breaker for me (and the only reason I can’t shop at any other store because their shipping prices are often higher than the book’s price). I still haven’t tried it because well I’ve never online shopped but I’m definitely willing to give it a try. Well that’s if my parents stop believing that the internet is out to steal their money and finally agree to insert their credit card number. Ugh.

I am therefore going to create a page (here is said page) to start tracking my progress. I hope the odds will be in my favor with this (shameful tasteless reference) and if not, meh. I tried.

36 thoughts on “2016 Reading Challenge (ya rite)

  1. I wish you well comerade! You don’t happen to be on Goodreads do you? I set my 2015 reading challenge goal to like 25 book and ive barely gone halfway lol! I could never attempt THIS but I BELIEVE IN YOUUUU!


    1. I am on Goodreads 🙂 I don’t know if I have a username though. Probably Anthony or something.
      And I have also set my goal to 25 books. It says on Goodreads that I have read 0, which is pretty disappointing. But according to my memory, I have read at least a couple more.

      Liked by 1 person

          1. I found it! I’m not cruel enough to reject you, so go ahead and celebrate! 😛
            Best of luck with trying to meet the goal! I will be on the same journey, let’s hope we can do it!

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my god, I’m so, so happy you decided to give this a try! We could totally support each other all year. Like, whenever one of us is unmotivated to keep going, the other will go all, “Bruh, get off your lazy arse and get reading!” AAAAAH I AM SO EXCITED.

    Good luck!!! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. that part about the parents not letting you shop online !!! gosh ! why don’t they get it ! i’ve ordered something, and it’s supposed to come soon. and i haven’t even had the courage to tell my mom about it. it is not even a big deal. it is actually so funny they still are scared of the big bad internet !

    Liked by 1 person

      1. those judgmental looks in their eyes.
        when we should be the ones judging them. i mean come on ! everybody does online shopping ! you do it too ! they’ll eventually get used to it

        Liked by 1 person

Just say it already!